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我的朋友 My Friend


My Friend

I have a lot of friends among whom Li Li is my best companion(伙伴).We have been studying and living together tor over six years.

Li Li is a very pretty girl with big eyes and long black hair.There is always a sweet(甜美的)smile on her lovely face.

Li Li is warmhearted(热心的)and she is always ready to(准备……)help others.Everyone who knows her likes tomake friends with(和······交友)her.

Li Li is one of the best students in our class.She is diligent(用功的)and always pays attention to(留意......)what the teachers say in class.Now she become the study monitor of my class.And with her help,I've made rapid progress in maths.

I have learnt a good deal(许多)from her.I believe our friendship will last forever(永远).





李丽有一副热心肠,总是乐于助人。 认识她的人都喜欢她,都愿意和她交朋友。

李丽是我班的一名尖子生。 她勤奋刻苦,专心听讲。现在她已经成了我们班的学习委员。在她的帮助下,我的数学成绩有了很大提高。

