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素质教育 Quality oriented Education


Quality oriented Education

From grade-school to college,students,teachers,parents all are struggling for high scores.Students burn their mid-night oil to strive for high marks often at the cost of their health.Teachers aim at nothing but developing students'ability to perform well on the test.More often than not,many parents try every means to find a home tutor to help with their children's studies.Undoubtedly,many students,even those with high scores,often do poorly when it comes to the practical application of the knowledge and theories they have learned.This is the result of the cur-rent examination-oriented education system.

Therefore,it is high time that China challenged examination-oriented education by advocating quality-oriented education.The alter-native will highlight students'quality as well as their ability.Their re-Cords of examinations will no longer play such a key role in evaluating their academic achievements This can provide a wide scope for stu-dents to develop their overall abilities.They can challenge what is con-ventional and gradually form an active way of thinking.An active mind can spark inspiration and stimulate great creativity.Admittedly,qual-ity-oriented education will show promise in raising students'efforts and their creativity.

My suggestion is that we should quicken the transition from exam-oriented to quality-oriented education.Personally,I firmly believe in the magic force of the new education policy,and I eagerly look forward to enjoying the great fruits the program offers.Our education will not be making, so to speak, a "robot" or a "bookworm" out of the student, but will bring up a new generation that are masters of the robot and knowledge society.



中、小学也好,大学也好,学生,教师、家长都在追求高分。学生不顾自己的健康,头悬梁,锥刺骨,只是为了得到高分。 老师的精力完全放在怎样让学生考得高分。 当家长的也想尽一切办法找家教辅导孩子学习。毋庸置疑,有些学生虽然分数很高,可无法在实际中运用自己所学的知识和理论。 这就是目前应试教育体制的必然结果。


我建议应该加快从应试教育转向素质教育的改革。我本人坚信素质教育的潜力,盼望其带来丰硕成果。 我们的教育体制不应该是把学生变成所谓的“机器人”或“书虫”,而是培养机器人和知识社会的主人。
