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日记一则 A Dairy


A Dairy

june 8th Thursdar Fine

This morning,an English singing competition was held in our school.Nearly 20 students in each class represented their classes to take part in the competition.They were asked to sing two songs.As a result,one of the songs performed by our class,We Are the World,got the first place.

After that,I thought more than just being excited.During the prep-aration for the competition,we learned many English songs.It was not only an interesting experience,but a good chance for us to study Eng-lish.Thanks to the competition,we all improved our English more or less.It also made us get to know singing English songs is a good way to learn English.I'll keep it on.



6月8日 星期四晴

今年早晨,我们学校举行了一场英语歌咏比赛。 每班约有20名学生代表自己的班级参加了这次竞赛,参赛者要求唱两首歌曲。结果,我们班演唱的一首“We Are the World”获得第一名。

事后,我认为我们所获得的不仅仅是兴奋。 在为竞赛做准备的期间,我们学会了许多英语歌曲。 这次竞赛不仅是一次有趣的经历,对我们学习英语更是一次好的机会。 感谢这次竞赛让我们的英语或多或少有所提高,这次竞赛也让我们知道唱英语歌曲是学习英语的一种好的途径,我将坚持唱英语歌曲。
