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动物园的弊端 Bad Things About Zoos


Bad Things About Zoos

Zoo is a place where children like to go.It keeps various kinds of animals.But I think there are some bad things.about zoos.

First of all,the cages for animals are too small.Animals haven't enough room and they can't do exercises.Without enough space,they look very unhappy.Besides this,their cages are dirty(肮脏的),too,so they become unhealthy.

The most serious problem is that animals lose their abilities(才干)to live by themselves.Being trapped(捕狱)for a long time,they have lost their wild nature(野性).Since the keepers feed them meet or grass every day,they needn't find food of their own.Year after year,animals such as tigers,lions in the zoo can't hunt for their own food.If they were sent back to nature,they might lose the ability to protect them-selves.

Another problem is that when children go to zoos,they give ani-mals things to eat,which may cause illnesses.Maybe animals in the zoos haven't enough food,especially in developing countries.

So I think zoos should be kept clean and animals should be put in open air.Let them go back(回到) to nature if,necessary.We should make zoos larger and give animals enough space and freedom.





最严重的是动物丧失了独立生存的能力。 长期被关着,它们丧失了野性。由于饲养员每天都喂其肉或草,它们不必自己觅食,年复一年,园中像虎、狮之类的动物都不会再独立捕食。一旦被放回大自然,它们可能会丧失自我保护的能力。


