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一个了不起的人物 A Great Person


A Great Person

Dear classmates,I'm glad to introduce to you a great person~ Barack Hussein Obama .Obama was born on August 4,1961.He was a top student at university.His voice is so exciting that he is considered to be a born speaker.However,he was once afraid to speak in front of the public.He kept improving his speaking skills instead of giving up.Finally he succeeded.In 2008,he successfuily became the first African American president at the age of 47.He often encourages black students to study hard and never to give up.He will never be remembered just because he is the first black American president in history.His influence on the United States and the world is much larger than what people imagine.



亲爱的同学,我很乐意向你们介绍一个了不人物一一巴拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马。奥巴马出生于1961年8月4日 .他在大学时是一名尖生。他的嗓音是如此振奋人心,因此被认为是个天生的演说家。然而,他曾经害怕当众演讲,但他没有放弃,而是不断改进旗讲技巧.终获成功。2008年,47岁的他成功当选为第一位非洲裔美国总统 。他经常鼓励黑人学子努力学习,永不放弃。他绝不会仅仅因为是首个黑人美国总统而被历史记住,他对美国乃至世界的影响. 比人们想象的可能要大得多。
