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最高的草一一竹子 The Tallest Grass-Bamboo


The Tallest Grass-Bamboo

Although bamboo is really a kind of grass,it looks more like a tree,a beautiful tree.It has long leaves that sway in the wind like slim fingers reaching to touch something.Chinese and Japanese poets write poems and songs about bamboo,the artists paint it in pictures.

Not all bamboo grows tall.Altogether there are more than 500 differ-ent kinds of bamboo,and some grow no higher than your ankles.Bamboo grows best in places where it is warm and where it rains often.Some kinds of bamboo grow very fast.If they are growing near a house,their slim leaves brush the roof gently and cool the house with their shade.

Some bloom and have seeds every year.Some never bloom at all.Some bloom only once,after living about 40 years,and then die.However,new shoots of bamboo will come up from around the roots of the old ones.

But the most interesting thing about this remarkable plant is what people do with it after it is cut down.As bamboo is hollow,it can be fit-ted together and used for pipes to carry water.At the same time it is so strong that people use it to build houses,and even high bridges over ri-vers.Bamboo is used for more than building.People can eat it.The tender young shoots of bamboo are crisp and tasty.They are often found in Chinese or Japanese dishes.Bamboo can also be made into fine paper,good walking sticks and fishing poles.

Bamboo probably has more uses than any other plant in the world.




并非所有的竹子都长得那么高。总共有500多种不同种类的竹子,而某些竹子长得只有脚踝那么高。 温暖而多雨的地方最适合竹子生长。 某些竹子长得很快。 如果竹子生长在房屋附近,它们那修长的叶子轻扫着屋顶,竹荫使房屋变得凉爽。


有关这种奇异的植物的最有趣的事是在被砍倒后人们对它的利用。由于竹子是空心的,人们把它们连接起来当做管子输水。同时,它又非常坚固,因而人们可以用它建造房屋,甚至可以在河上架起高高的桥梁。竹子不仅用于建筑,还可供人们食用。 竹子的幼芽脆嫩可口,经常是中国人与日本人的盘中菜。 竹子也可用来造成一种优质纸,还可以用来做成很好的手杖和鱼竿。

